Wild Cranberry
Picking Tour

Basic information
Available: 15th of September – 31st of October
Group size:
min. 10 participants*
max. 32 participants
Min. age: 13
Price: 50€ / person
* If your group is smaller than the minimum required, ask for an personal offer by e-mail
What is included?
– tour guide service
– catering
– bucket for berries
– rain boots
What the tour looks like?
A 45-minute car drive from Tartu brings you to Peipsiveere Nature Reserve, one of the wildest and least inhabited places in Estonia. This large and pristine wetland, a Ramsar site, is home to many endangered privacy-seeking (hemerophobic) species. In addition, the largest cranberry reserves of Estonia are hiding here.
Picking wild berries is a national sport for Estonians, a tradition carried out from generation to generation. Selling cranberries has given income to local people for centuries.
We invite you to a guided berry picking trip. You will get to experience how freshly picked cranberries taste and how it feels to pick them. Cranberries grow in a very specific bog landscape not easily found elsewhere in Europe. The bog is wet and soft, with wild rosemary giving it a unique smell. Peipsiveere is a quiet place, no artificial noises reach this remote region.
On this trip we will hike across bog islands, full of signs of animal activity. Moose are numerous here, as well as many other symbolic mammals of Estonia. Bird-lovers will surely see signs of eagle activity and we will possibly spot some of them circling above the bog.
The guided trip lasts 4 hours and includes a meal. After picking berries we will make a campfire and serve dishes made of local forest food – including cranberries!
Come and experience traditional wild cranberry picking in Peipsiveere Nature Reserve!
Important to know
- The tour is 100% at your own risk
- please follow the instructions you are given before the tour
- Please consider that the tour takes place in wilderness and no medical assistance will be available in case of acute illness
- No alcohol or drugs allowed!
- The organizer is not responsible for the loss of your stuff
- By participating in the tour, you give permission for photo and video recording
How to book?
Please read the booking conditions* and fill the booking form below if you agree.
* – booking fee is 20% of the total. Within 24 hours after submitting the booking you will recive an invoice to your e-mail address. You can pay only by bank transfer. After receiving the booking fee, we can confirm your booking. You can pay the rest of the fee before your tour at the meeting point in cash only!